$375 1hr Event Session Agreement & Booking Form

Client Information

Session Details


1. Duration of Session: Under the terms and conditions, the session is of a fixed duration.

2. Late Start Time: This contract ensures that your hire time remains unchanged, even if unforeseen circumstances cause a delay. In the event of a delayed start, we offer the option to renegotiate the contract for an additional charge.

3. Weather: (Outdoor sessions) Given the unpredictability of climatic conditions, clients reserve the option to either reschedule for the subsequent available session or may opt for cancellation, wherein the forfeiture of the deposit shall apply.

4. Image Delivery Time:  Clients can anticipate receiving their digital images approximately one week after the session date, with weekends and public holidays excluded from this calculation. Clients will receive a full-resolution link to access and download their JPEG images.  This timeframe is established to facilitate a reasonable editing and delivery turnaround. The digital downloads will be accessible through the clients' designated tab, which is password-protected. Additionally, clients can purchase prints through S B S Media LLC.

5. Copyright Release:

    a. Usage Rights: This release grants the Client a non-exclusive, non-transferable license to use and reproduce the photographs for personal and non-commercial purposes only. The  Client may print, share, and display the photographs for personal use, including but not limited to printing and sharing on social media, personal websites, and personal photo albums.

    b. Commercial Use: The Client may not use the photographs for any commercial purpose, including but not limited to advertising, promotion, resale, or any form of financial gain, without obtaining written permission and an additional commercial license from the photographer.

    c. Modification: The Client may not alter, edit, or modify the photographs in any way without prior written consent from the photographer.

    d. Credit: The Client agrees to credit the photographer by name (e.g., "Photography by S B S Media LLC or Saad Bruce Shaar") when sharing the photographs on social media or personal websites.

    e. Copyright Ownership: The copyright to the photographs remains with the photographer, and this release does not transfer ownership of the copyright to the Client.

    f. Third-Party Usage: The Client is responsible for ensuring that any third party (such as friends, family, or vendors) who may use the photographs also adheres to these terms and conditions.

6. Permits for Public Locations: If the session is conducted in a public location, SBS Media LLC will acquire the requisite permits. However, the Client shall bear the associated costs of obtaining these permits, which are non-refundable upon cancellation of this contract. Depending on the location, if the Client requests a rescheduling, a new license may need to be purchased for a new time slot and date. Such expenses will be integrated into the final session price.

7. Deposit Requirement: A non-refundable deposit of half the total cost. is mandated to secure a session booking. This deposit reserves the Client's position and affirms their commitment to the session.

8. Client's Responsibility: The responsibility of ensuring the presence and supervision of any participant under the age of 18 years during the session rests with their parent or legal guardian. This measure is implemented to guarantee the safety of minors and compliance with all relevant legal obligations.

9. Final Balance Payment: The final balance payment for the photography session must be submitted no later than five business days before the scheduled session. It is imperative to acknowledge that any delay in payment will result in the cancellation of the session and the forfeiture of the initial deposit.


Sub Total

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Thank you for booking with us.

Thank you for booking with S B S Media LLC.

Preparing for a professional photo session ensures that you look and feel your best, resulting in fantastic photos. Here's a guide to help you get ready:  

Before the Session

1. Communicate with the Photographer: Discuss the type of photoshoot, preferred style, and any specific requests with your photographer.

2. Outfit Selection: Choose outfits that make you feel confident and comfortable. Avoid bold patterns or logos that might distract from your face.

3. Grooming: Plan haircuts, color touch-ups, and grooming at least a week before the session for a natural look.

4. Skin Care: Moisturize and drink plenty of water to ensure a healthy, glowing complexion.

5. Rest and Sleep: Try to get adequate rest the night before the shoot for a refreshed look.

On the Day of the Session

1. Arrive Early: Be on time or early to reduce stress and give yourself time to relax before the shoot.

2. Outfits and Accessories: Bring multiple outfit options for variety. Coordinate accessories and shoes accordingly.

3. Hair and Makeup: For a polished look, consider professional hair and makeup, or do it yourself. Touch up hair and makeup before the shoot.

4. Stay Relaxed: Relax and enjoy the experience. A positive and comfortable attitude often translates into great photos.

5. Props or Special Items: If desired, bring personal items or props that reflect your personality or the theme of the shoot.

 During the Session

1. Follow the Photographer's Guidance: Listen to your photographer's directions and be open to their suggestions.

2. Posing and Expressions: Experiment with different poses and expressions. Trust your photographer's guidance for the best results.

3. Take Breaks if Needed: If you're feeling fatigued or tense, don't hesitate to take short breaks to relax and rejuvenate.

After the Session

1. Photos: 48 hrs after the session, the photographer will text/email you with a link, so you may select the photo images you love.

2. Feedback: Provide feedback to the photographer regarding your experience or if you have specific preferences for final edits.

By following these tips, you'll be well-prepared for your professional photo session, resulting in beautiful and memorable photographs.

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